Congrats on the new camera!
Plan on taking time to get to know your camera, and the camera settings, so that you have a “feel” for what your camera can do, but let me add more:
Get a “nose bag” or “sling bag” and either a sling or a hand strap. this keeps your camera near and ready to shoot. You don’t want to fumble for it, and you can keep a hand on it while walking around – so you can just pull it out of the bag, focus, shoot, and put it back. quick and easy, less fumbling, etc. Less strain than typical neck strap, in my opinion.

Bring extra SD SD cards, and change them daily, so you have a fresh card every day and (if your camera gets lost or stolen), you don’t lose a vacation worth of shots. Upload them to the cloud daily (if you have wifi).
Also get an extra battery or two, you don’t want to run out of power. (and an adapter/charger for european or local power). You can get Spare Camera Batteries on EBay.
Also put a UV filter on the lens (if you have a screw mount), it will protect it from accidental scratching and any impact. UV Filters on Amazon.
Take two or three exposures for your shots. It’s not like your “wasting film”, and you can always choose the “best of three”. Also shoot at 6MP or more (preferably more); you want to catch as much detail as possible for your awesome shots.
Keep your lens clean and have your camera ready to go. also consider a small tripod, to steady the camera for zoom shots and occasional filming, to keep the camera steady. Lens Cleaning kits on Amazon.
Don’t be afraid to shoot on automatic, or use the scene settings (like night scene or beach scene). TAKE THE SHOT, check your settings, then take MORE SHOTS. keep a small note pad handy, and record the settings your used, time, and thoughts. also pay attention to light, so if the sun is behind the subject, you can adjust the exposure (or use the flash) to brighten the subject in the foreground.
Take lots of shots. share them. show them off. This is your story, own it, enjoy it, and let your pictures help you tell it!
Best of luck!